Ms. Krauss' Students Demonstrate Knowledge of the Periodic Table with Glogster:
Following several class periods in the library in which students researched their assigned elements, they came into the lab to demonstrate their information. Students used text, images, drawings, and videos to demonstrate their knowledge of the elements, creating a virtual periodic table for Ms. Krauss' class. Student presentations are on January 18th!
Open the link below and click on the elements to see the student glogs:
Mr. King's Students Express Themselves Through Choice:
After finishing Beowulf - A New Telling, students used Glogster, Garage Band, and Flip Video Cameras to create final projects that demonstrated their knowledge of character, plot, setting, mood, perspective, and more! Here is his website, as well as some examples!
Avery's Glog - Character Log
Go to the link and click on each character to go to the character's page.
Max's Glog - Perspective Interview
Lillian's Glog - Hero's Journey
Go to the link and click each step of the hero's journey to go to the page.
Ms. Richardson's Students Encourage Tourism in the 13 Colonies:
After learning about the original 13 colonies in class, students broke up into three groups. Each group created a script to encourage people to visit / move to their cluster of colonies, and then filmed their scenes using flip video cameras. The students then uploaded all of their footage into iMovie, edited their movies, and added titles and transitions.