Wednesday, April 4, 2012


WEEKS 25-28

6th Grade Math Students Graph with Excel:

Ms. Mortimer's and Mr. Smalley's classes came into the lab after gathering data on various topics.  After an introductory lesson on Excel, students entered and graphed their data, and then compared the graphs Excel produced to the graphs they drew the day before.

Ms. Richardson's Students Blog About the Declaration of Independence:

Ms. Richardson created a blog for her students that broke up the Declaration of Independence into five sections.  Each day, they discussed each section, first online, then as a class, so that the students were all able to fully participate, and gained a deeper understanding of the document.

Grade 7 Boot Camp:

Both clusters in the 7th grade made it into the lab the day before the ELA long composition to do some last minute study island prep.  Students chose the area in which they felt that they needed to work.  Students left feeling more prepared for the big test!

8th Grade Socials Studies Uses Voicethread to Learn About Famous Inventors:

Ms. Summa's students used Voicethread, an interactive presentation tool, to share the information they research on different inventors.  First they spent several days in the library, compiling their research, and then they created voicethreads for the class, in which they included images, text, drawings, and dialogue.  When they finished, they shared their voicethreads with each other, and were able to give each other positive feedback.  Here is an example:

7th Grade English Uses Glogster to Present About Non-Fiction:

Over the past month, students have been reading science-fiction books and recording their information in packets that Ms. Cortese created.  When they entered the lab, they learned how to use Glogster, and then presented their information in a Glog, using text, images, audio, video, and more.

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