Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December 12-23, 2011

WEEKS 14 and 15:

Bigelow Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest:
Bigelow teachers showed their holiday spirit by participating in an ugly holiday sweater contest.  It was $5 to enter, and all proceeds were donated directly to Dana Farber toward Megan Hall's Boston Marathon Run.  Check out the teachers showing off their sweaters:

Mr. Souza's Students Use Google Earth to Follow Darwin's Journey:
7th grade science learned  all about Darwin, his voyage, and evolution.  For this Google Earth Project, students created a folder that included at least 5 placemarks that marked different stops on Darwin's journey.  The placemarks must include the location, the latitude and longitude, scientific observations, the biome, and a picture or video.  Students then recorded the voyage as a narrated tour.  We can't wait to see the finished products!

Student Example:

Mr. King Differentiates Instruction with Glogster:
Mr. King's class looked at the story "Beowulf - A New Telling" from a variety of angles, and used Glogster to demonstrate their understanding as well as their creativity.  Each student could choose one of the 5 projects, and complete using webcameras, Garage Band and Glogster.  Final products to come!

Beowulf Website

Ms. Martin's Students Use Glogster and Sketch-up to Design and Describe Their Dream Homes:
8th grade Spanish students designed their dream homes.  They used Spanish terms to describe the location, and turned their lists of terms into paragraphs.  They used Sketch-up and Google images to show the rooms in their homes, and recorded their paragraphs as audio files.  Lastly, they responded to one another's glogs using the comment feature!  This project allowed students to demonstrate their reading, writing, speaking, and creative skills!

Ms. Martin's Website


6th Grade Students Practice Math with Khan Academy:
Many 6th grade students have set up Khan Academy accounts using their school Google docs accounts. These accounts allows students to practice math skills at their own levels, and earn points and move up levels when they have mastered concepts.  Teachers can track their students through their own accounts. Students love the interactive scratch pad and the reward system.  Check it out!

Khan Academy
Khan Academy Directions

Mr. Spiegel's Students Use Google Earth to Explore Culture:
Students in 6th grade geography are collaborating to create Google Earth tours that show culture throughout Europe.  Each group has a driver, who navigates the computer, a leader, who guides the group and keeps the group on track, and a recorder, who takes notes and keeps track of the group's work.  Check out Mr. Spiegel's website!

Mr. Spiegel's Website
Project Link

8th Grade Online Lab Reports:
Mr. Swift's students had the choice of hand writing their lab reports or completing them in Google docs.  Their Google reports included Google drawings and a linked spread sheet with graphs of their data.  Most students chose to experiment with the online version of the report.  I can't wait to see the finished products!

Mr. Swift's Website with Lab Report Link

Thursday, December 8, 2011

11/20/2011 - 12/9/2011

WEEKS 11-13:

Thanksgiving did not seem to slow things down at Bigelow, as the tech projects keep coming in full force. Here are some highlights from the past weeks:

Cluster 6A Explore European Culture:
Cluster 6A spent some time in the library using books and online resources to explore the 8 traits of culture in European countries.  Students presented their information using Glogster - an interactive online poster making program.  Students logged into their school accounts, created, and published some amazing work.  Here are some examples:

Cluster 8F Compares Temperature and Precipitation Around the World:
Cluster 8F worked in pairs to make predictions about and analyze actual precipitation and temperature data of cities from around the world.  They made predictions based on latitude, graphed actual data, and recorded their findings, explaining them in a Google Spreadsheet.  Here is an example:

Cluster 8E Differentiates Instruction, Using Websites and YouTube:
Mr. Swan's students needed to write an essay comparing and contrasting a scene from the play Inherit the Wind and the movie. Check out his project website to see how he used Google Sites, Spreadsheets, and YouTube to differentiate and clarify the lesson for all students.

Monday, November 21, 2011


Weeks 9 and 10:

Technology projects both in and out of the lab have taken flight this year, really helping to promote a variety of 21st century skills.  Here are a few from the past two weeks:

8th Grade Math Students Make "Moneyball" Connections:
8th grade math classes on both clusters E and F completed a series of projects related to the movie "Moneyball."  In these projects, they analyzed linear and nonlinear equations, using excel and an online graphing calculator to plot their equations.  Here are the links to the different activities:

Creating Spreadsheets and Graphs in Excel

Graphing Calculator

Moneyball Activity

8th Grade French Essays on Google Docs:

Ms. Langlois had her French students put their French skills to use in the computer lab, as they wrote essays about their lives at Bigelow in French.  Students shared their Google docs with classmates "to comment," and they made recommendations on each other's work using the "comments" feature.  Ms. Langlois shared a document of editing tips with the students, but the editing process became more of a collaborative activity than a student / teacher activity.  Their comments and replies are just as much a part of their grade as the writing itself.  They are also inserting images with proper citations that enhance their essays.  We look forward to seeing their final drafts next week!

To learn more, visit Ms. Langlois' website!

7th Grade English Brain Frames The Land:

As the 7th grade students read The Land, they are expected to take notes in a variety of ways.  One way is brain framing, and students have the choice to use pencil and paper, or Google docs.  Here is an example of a student's sequencing frame:

6B Character Wheels:

Mr. King's English students studied characters and character traits by creating character wheels in Google Drawing based on their independent reading.  Here is an example:

6AB Student-Made Quizzes:
To review for their culture quiz, students created their own quizzes using Google forms, and took each other's quizzes for homework.  Mr. Spiegel interacted with the students, commenting on their quizzes, and helping them to create strong review questions.

6th Grade Student Uses Family Trip As a Learning Experience:

Sophie, a sixth grader, went with her parents to visit the rest of her family in Lebanon.  She used this trip as an opportunity to expand her learning, as well as her classmates' learning.  After studying the eight traits of culture in Mr. Spiegel's class, Sophie created a compare and contrast brainframe and a write up comparing the culture in Boston to the culture in Beirut.  She also skyped with her class, showing them her grandparents' house, and aspects of their culture in Lebanon.  It was an eye opening experience for all!

Friday, November 4, 2011

10/24/2011 - 11/4/2011

WEEKS 7 + 8:

We have had a busy few weeks in the lab.  Not only have teachers been doing innovative projects with their students, but they have also been leading and participating in trainings that will benefit their classes.  Here's a taste of what has been going on:

Ms. Alberts Students' Collaborate on Play Writing:
6th graders in Ms. Alberts' class learned about play writing in drama class.  They discussed how one can tell dialogue apart from stage directions, as well as aspects of a play.  Students worked in groups on shared Google docs to write and act out their own plays.  Check out Ms. Alberts' site for more information.

Cluster B Netbook Rollout:
The one to one laptop program rolled out this past week!  Each student on cluster B has been assigned a netbook to use in their on-team classes.  They have additional rules to follow as well as responsibilities that are clearly stated on their netbook licenses.  The netbooks help the teachers to enhance lessons with technology, and the students to collaborate and create their own learning. 

Click HERE to learn more about the 21st century classroom initiative.

Using Google Earth to Make Connections:
Both Mr. King's and Ms. Levy's geography classes spent three days introducing their students to Google Earth.  During the first day, students learned about many of the uses of Google Earth, as well as how to navigate it.  On the 2nd and 3rd days, Mr. King's classes created their own tours, mapping their connections to the world, and uploading them to Google docs.  Ms. Levy's classes created tours of physical features throughout Europe as an introduction to the continent.  Both classes will have work posted online next week!

7C Uses the Lab to Differentiate Instruction:
Mr. Souza created a multifaceted quiz review, which included a Google form, web videos, readings, and worksheets.  Students could move through the lesson at their own pace, and Mr. Souza could use the form as a formative assessment and meet with students on an individual basis.  Click HERE to check out his lesson.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10/17/2011 - 10/21/2011

Week 6

As teachers dive into their curriculums, orientations in the lab slow, and students are really starting to apply the tech skills they learned at the beginning of the year.  Here's a sample of the week 6 projects:

World Language Classes Practice their Written and Oral Skills:
Ms. Hanley, Ms. Verdaguer, and Ms. Martin all spent some time in the lab with their French and Spanish students, using a variety of tools to reinforce language skills.  Ms. Hanley an interactive online textbook, Ms. Verdaguer had her students practice word processing, saving to the server, and uploading to Google docs, and Ms. Martin had her students practice their skills at their own levels using Quia.  Click on the teacher names to check out their websites for more information.

8E Use Google Docs to Wrap Up Their Persuasive Essays:
Mr. Swan's class continued to draft their persuasive essays using Google docs.  Mr. Swan conferenced with the students using Google docs' "comments" feature.  Check out his website for details.

7C Use Online Tools to Make Lectures Interactive:
Mr. Souza used the lab to add interactive features to his lecture on dissection.  His interesting activity engaged students, and prepared them to dissect in his biology class.  Check out his website for more information!

8E Learn How to Read Topographical Maps:
Mr. Hayes' class used software formatted for the OS9 operating system, which breaks down topographical maps into their parts, teaching students how to read and use them.  Students practiced their note taking skills, by defining key terms necessary for reading the maps.  This study enhanced their study of geology.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/2/2011 - 10/14/2011

WEEKS 4 + 5:

We have had a few busy weeks in the lab.  So busy, that I have gotten behind on posting!  Here is a taste of what has been going on!

Cluster AB Connects to the World:
Cluster AB came into the lab to explore the world using Google Earth.  They learned about several layers and features, and each student created and shared a tour that included at least 5 placemarks displaying their connections.  This lesson laid the ground work for their exploration of physical features in week 6!

ELL Social Studies Uses Glogster to Make Cultural Connections:
Ms. Richardson's class spent some time in the library researching Native American culture.  Each student was assigned a different region, and they learned about specific aspects of that region's culture.  When they came to the lab, they used glogster to create an online poster to display their information.  Students  were expected to choose themes and layouts that not only clearly displayed their information, but also reflected their regions.  The finished glogs can be found on Ms. Richardson's website.  Here's an example:

Cluster AB Character Wheels:
Cluster AB created character wheels to demonstrate their knowledge of character traits.  Students chose the main character from their summer reading, and used words and pictures to represent their characters.  They had the option to express their creativity using paper and pencil, or using Google drawing.  The majority of students chose Google drawing!  Here's an example:

7th Grade English Brainframes and Bookreviews:
Both clusters in 7th grade used Google drawing to create brainframes and Google docs to write their summer reading book reviews.  Both Ms. Robles and Ms. Papazian took advantage of the commenting feature of Google docs to guide students when drafting.  I can't wait to see the final results!

Here's a sample brainframe:

Quia as Formative Assessment and Differentiated Instruction:
Ms. Martin's and Ms. Verdaguer's Spanish classes used Quia in the lab to learn and practice new terms, as well as take quizzes.  Students could learn and take their quizzes at their own paces.  They worked both in pairs and independently.  Both classes will continue to work with Quia in week 6!

Using Smart Response for Formative Assessment:
Ms. Mortimer and I used some prep time to test out the Smart response systems, and see how they can be used as a formative assessment tool in math.  After we complete a training during week 6, we should be ready to roll them out to the 6th and 7th grade math classes!

8E use Google Docs to Draft a Persuasive Essay:
Have you ever wondered how much of what goes into a memoir is actually based in fact?  Mr. Swan's students explored this question, and used their background knowledge, class notes, and additional research to draft a persuasive essay.  Each student followed the steps of EmPower, and actively engaged with Mr. Swan throughout the process, using his comments, rubrics, and guidelines.  To learn more, check out Mr. Swan's website.

More to come in week 6!!

Friday, September 30, 2011



Google docs Set-Up:
This week was a big week for Bigelow.  EVERY Bigelow student has now set up their Google docs accounts, created and organized class folders, and shared those folders with their teachers.  This new method of using Google docs should help to streamline the creating, sharing, and organizing of student work!

Using Quia as a Formative Assessment Tool in Spanish:
Both Ms. Martin's and Ms. Verdaguer's students spent time using Quia to review Spanish terms, and take quick and periodic assessments.  This tool helps students to access work at their individual levels, and to move forward when they are ready.  Click on the teachers' names to access their websites for more information.

Using Google Forms to Inform Classroom Teaching:
Mr. Souza brought his class into the lab for a review session.  He started the students on a Google form to see what they already knew.  When the students finished, he hid the column showing their names, and reviewed the questions and answers with the students.  By the way they answered, he could tell the information on which he needed to focus to get the most out of the review session.  The students could also see the information they personally needed to review before taking the exam.  What was most interesting, is that the result were not identical from class to class, so each class got a review session tailored to their needs!  Check out Mr. Souza's site to see what he did!!

Using Study Island in a Variety of Ways:
Both grade 7 clusters logged onto Study Island this week to provide their teachers with a baseline assessment from which to work.  The teachers felt that the assessment was very informative, and it helped the students to re-acclimate themselves with the tool.

Cluster 6B visited the lab to use Study Island to reinforce particular skills they were learning in class.  They continued their practice for homework.

Mimios are Making a Statement in Several Classrooms:
We are fortunate to have 3 Mimios floating around our school this year.  These are not like the old fashioned copiers, but rather a thin machine that turns a regular white board into an interactive white board.  Two of our Mimios are going to live in the 8th grade math classrooms, while the third can be signed out for teachers to use on an "as-need" basis.  We are hoping these tools will make more of our classrooms interactive!!

Click HERE to learn more about Mimios.  Several Bigelow teachers have already jumped on the bandwagon and received a mini-training!!

Chinese Class Learns to Type Chinese Characters:
6th, 7th, and 8th grade Chinese classes come into the lab on a regular basis to practice typing Chinese.  As they learn new language, they also learn how to apply it through typing.  Students in all three classes claim they feel that they spend equal time practicing speaking and writing, which helps them to be stronger Chinese students.

We will be posting some of their work soon.  To learn more about the Chinese program at Bigelow, check out Ms. Gao's website!

Next week, we expect more fun projects, including Culture Glogs in ELL social studies, and "My Connection to the World" projects using Google Earth in 6th grade geography!  Check in to see how they go!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

9/19/2011 - 9/23/2011


6th Grade Orientation and 6th and 7th Grade Google Docs Orientations:

This was an even busier week than last week for the lab!  6B wrapped up the 6th grade orientations on Monday, and the entire 6th and 7th grades came through for a Google docs orientation.  All students set up collections of folders within their Google docs that they shared with their teachers.  Now when they complete assignments, they just drag and drop them to the appropriate folders, and they are turned in to their teachers automatically.  This method should help with organization, and should help teachers to track student progress.

6th Grade

7th and 8th Grade

8th grade will have their Google docs orientation this week and teachers are being trained on a rolling basis!!


7C Science Online Text Book:

7C came into the lab to register their online text books, and completed an interactive lesson using the books.  For more details, check out Mr. Souza's website.

Sunday, September 18, 2011



We had quite the week in the lab!  Both the front and back labs are up and going, and we had a variety of projects going on.  Here is a taste of week one:


6th Grade Orientation:
Clusters 6A and 6AB made their way to the lab this week for orientation.  We reviewed the technology at Bigelow and expected behaviors, and then the students actually got to put their hands on the computers!  They created their individual log-in passwords, and experimented with Study Island.  Here is a taste of what they did:


6B will be in the lab on Monday.


7th Grade Online Text Book Registration:
Both Ms. Rice's and Mr. LaBrache's classes spent the day in the lab registering their online text books, and used them to complete a study guide.  You can learn more information from their websites:

Ms. Rice (7C)
Mr. LaBrache (7D)


8F Quia Pretest and Blogging Activity:
Mr. Swift's science class showed what they already know by completing a pre-assessment in the lab using Quia.  They took their learning a step further by interacting on a blog created for each section.  Check out their responses:

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4

Hispanic Heritage Month Poster Project:
Ms. Verdaguer's class learned a bit about some of the more well-known people of Hispanic heritage, and applied what they learned to posters that they will present in class.  Check out Ms. Verdaguer's website for details!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Welcome Back!

Welcome back, Bigelow!  The labs are going to be up and going this week, starting with 6th grade orientation and study island, and then Google docs orientation for ALL students!  It should be a fun and busy few weeks!

Here's a sneak peak at the lab orientation video: