Tuesday, October 25, 2011

10/17/2011 - 10/21/2011

Week 6

As teachers dive into their curriculums, orientations in the lab slow, and students are really starting to apply the tech skills they learned at the beginning of the year.  Here's a sample of the week 6 projects:

World Language Classes Practice their Written and Oral Skills:
Ms. Hanley, Ms. Verdaguer, and Ms. Martin all spent some time in the lab with their French and Spanish students, using a variety of tools to reinforce language skills.  Ms. Hanley an interactive online textbook, Ms. Verdaguer had her students practice word processing, saving to the server, and uploading to Google docs, and Ms. Martin had her students practice their skills at their own levels using Quia.  Click on the teacher names to check out their websites for more information.

8E Use Google Docs to Wrap Up Their Persuasive Essays:
Mr. Swan's class continued to draft their persuasive essays using Google docs.  Mr. Swan conferenced with the students using Google docs' "comments" feature.  Check out his website for details.

7C Use Online Tools to Make Lectures Interactive:
Mr. Souza used the lab to add interactive features to his lecture on dissection.  His interesting activity engaged students, and prepared them to dissect in his biology class.  Check out his website for more information!

8E Learn How to Read Topographical Maps:
Mr. Hayes' class used software formatted for the OS9 operating system, which breaks down topographical maps into their parts, teaching students how to read and use them.  Students practiced their note taking skills, by defining key terms necessary for reading the maps.  This study enhanced their study of geology.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

10/2/2011 - 10/14/2011

WEEKS 4 + 5:

We have had a few busy weeks in the lab.  So busy, that I have gotten behind on posting!  Here is a taste of what has been going on!

Cluster AB Connects to the World:
Cluster AB came into the lab to explore the world using Google Earth.  They learned about several layers and features, and each student created and shared a tour that included at least 5 placemarks displaying their connections.  This lesson laid the ground work for their exploration of physical features in week 6!

ELL Social Studies Uses Glogster to Make Cultural Connections:
Ms. Richardson's class spent some time in the library researching Native American culture.  Each student was assigned a different region, and they learned about specific aspects of that region's culture.  When they came to the lab, they used glogster to create an online poster to display their information.  Students  were expected to choose themes and layouts that not only clearly displayed their information, but also reflected their regions.  The finished glogs can be found on Ms. Richardson's website.  Here's an example:

Cluster AB Character Wheels:
Cluster AB created character wheels to demonstrate their knowledge of character traits.  Students chose the main character from their summer reading, and used words and pictures to represent their characters.  They had the option to express their creativity using paper and pencil, or using Google drawing.  The majority of students chose Google drawing!  Here's an example:

7th Grade English Brainframes and Bookreviews:
Both clusters in 7th grade used Google drawing to create brainframes and Google docs to write their summer reading book reviews.  Both Ms. Robles and Ms. Papazian took advantage of the commenting feature of Google docs to guide students when drafting.  I can't wait to see the final results!

Here's a sample brainframe:

Quia as Formative Assessment and Differentiated Instruction:
Ms. Martin's and Ms. Verdaguer's Spanish classes used Quia in the lab to learn and practice new terms, as well as take quizzes.  Students could learn and take their quizzes at their own paces.  They worked both in pairs and independently.  Both classes will continue to work with Quia in week 6!

Using Smart Response for Formative Assessment:
Ms. Mortimer and I used some prep time to test out the Smart response systems, and see how they can be used as a formative assessment tool in math.  After we complete a training during week 6, we should be ready to roll them out to the 6th and 7th grade math classes!

8E use Google Docs to Draft a Persuasive Essay:
Have you ever wondered how much of what goes into a memoir is actually based in fact?  Mr. Swan's students explored this question, and used their background knowledge, class notes, and additional research to draft a persuasive essay.  Each student followed the steps of EmPower, and actively engaged with Mr. Swan throughout the process, using his comments, rubrics, and guidelines.  To learn more, check out Mr. Swan's website.

More to come in week 6!!