Friday, October 12, 2012

9/17/12 - 10/12/12


We have had a busy few weeks with our technology at Bigelow, and it seems that all grades and classes have been off to a great start.  Here is a sampling of what has been going on:

Ms. Gao's Chinese Classes Use Voicethread and Jing to Enhance Their Learning:

Students in Ms. Gao's class use Voicethread and Jing to practice their listening, speaking, and writing skills.  As part of the programs, students listen to and read questions from Ms. Gao and reply to her by recording their answers.  Once they mastered this skill, she has them creating their own recordings and interacting in partners and small groups.  These tools have really helped her to make her class much more student centered and has increased participation.  I'm looking forward to how her uses for the programs develop throughout the year.

Clusters 6B and 6AB Use Google Drawing to Demonstrate Their Understanding of Character Traits:

6th graders have started the year by learning about what makes a character, and the difference between character traits and physical traits.  6AB targeted summer reading to create a character wheel illustrating the character traits of a main character, and 6B chose short stories from the library and illustrated character traits of their main characters.  Overall the lesson was a success!  Students became more familiar with Google docs, while identifying character traits and backing up their findings with evidence from the text!

All 3 Grades Use ELMO Document Cameras to Make Thinking Visible:

Thanks to Title I and Newton Public Schools, nearly all of our classrooms are now equipped with LCD projects and ELMO document cameras.  Teachers have already started to use the document cameras to project student work and examples, increasing students participation and leadership.  The cameras also have a wonderful feature where teachers can take pictures of the projections, and post these shots to their websites to demonstrate student work, or share class notes.  We should see more and more use of theses cameras as the year goes on!

Grade 6 Sets the Bar with the Assessment:

This year is year 2 of the baseline assessment.  Students came in during their science classes to take this baseline assessment which measures students' technology and library skills.  This baseline provides us with information on what they have mastered from elementary school, and where we should focus our energy in middle school.  They will take an exit exam at the end of 8th grade, as well, which will measure what they have mastered during middle school.  These assessments will help us to shape our curriculum moving forward.

Grade 7 Set Up Their Google docs and Get Started with a Book Review:

Both cluster C and D came to the lab with their English classes to organize their Google docs.  They consolidated their folders from last year into a grade 6 folder, and created new folders for this year, sharing their folders with their teachers.  Once their folders were created, the students used their note taking sheets to begin writing their book reviews, following the specific formatting guidelines handed out by the teachers.  It was nice to have all of the students in the lab to begin their word processing, as many had questions about formatting.

Grade 8 Use Their Google Docs to Draft Memoirs:

Cluster 8E introduced themselves to their English teacher by coming to the lab and drafting memoirs.  Ms. Papazian used the commenting feature to draft and conference with students both in class and at home, and students felt the feedback was a critical piece of the project.  The students loved writing about themselves!  If you have an 8th grader on 8E, ask to see his or her personal memoir.  They were terrific!

Spanish Classes Use Quia to Practice Their Skills:

Quia is a great program that students can use to practice their skills, and teachers can use to create assessments that meet students individual needs.  In Spanish, students have been using this program a lot already, learning their log-ins and getting started.  See Ms. Martin's and Ms. Calabria's websites for more information on Quia.

Netbook Computers will Soon be Available to all Grades:

We have spent a good amount of time reimaging, updating, and organizing the netbook computers for use by the whole school.  There are 3 carts of 12 computers, so teachers can borrow one cart if students are doing partner work, or 2 carts if they want students to work independently.  We hope that the netbooks will be used for student group work, Quia, and writer's workshop.  They will be available for classroom use next week.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9/4/2012 - 9/14/2012

WEEKS 1 and 2:

Welcome back, Bigelow!  I am excited to start the new school year with new equipment, new ideas, and more!  We have been very busy getting classrooms up and running.  Here are some new things to look for this year.

Classroom Updates:  All English, math, science, social studies, world language, health, art, and tech classrooms have been updated to include an LCD projector or Smart board, AND an ELMO document camera.  We are thankful to Newton Public Schools for making this happen for the start of this year.  These tools will facilitate interactive and hands on learning, and we hope that you ask your students how they are being used in the classroom!!

Lab Updates:  NPS helped us by adding 7 new computers to finish updating our labs!  We now have two full labs of newer iMac computers.  There are 26 computers per lab to accommodate larger classes, and to be used by classes for projects!  We are very excited about our new computers, and are opening the labs up for student use this week!

Library Updates:  We have started to update the computers in the library as well.  We now have 13 newer iMac computers for students to use to complete research with their classes, for projects with support classes, and in the Bigelow Academic Center after school.  With the help of the PTO, we hope to complete the library's update with a cart of 15 Macbook Airs.  Please check out the attached video to see our plans for bringing our library into the 21st century.

Click HERE to see the attached video for the Bigelow Technology Plan 2012-2015.

Lab Orientations: In addition to setting up our new equipment and getting new teachers situated, we have also had orientation all grade 6 students.  They have all reviewed our acceptable use policy, created new passwords, and logged into both the computers and Google docs.  Within Google docs, they have created a folder for each class, sharing with teachers to make work easy to turn in.

Click HERE to see the lab orientation power point (all apostrophes did not convert from uploading - I'm sorry for the confusion they may cause.)

6AB and Google Earth / Google Docs:  Cluster 6AB has jumped right in to using both Google Earth and Google Docs.  They have already used forms in Google docs for homework, and had a two day Google Earth orientation in the lab.  Google Earth is a free download for your computer at home.  Download it, and ask your children to show you what they have already learned.

Click HERE to download Google Earth on your home computer.

Technology at Bigelow is just getting up and running, and there are many more updates to come!  Check back every two - three weeks to check out what your children have been doing with technology at Bigelow!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

4/9/2012 - 5/4/2012

WEEKS 29-31

Ms. Levy's Students Demonstrate Learning Through Choice:

Now that Cluster A has finished reading Beowulf - A New Telling, they are completing glogs based on areas of interest from the book.  The directions for the different projects, as well as organizers and timelines, can be found on this webpage that we linked to Ms. Levy's homework site.  Check out a sample project:

Grade 7 Begins Poetry Anthologies:

Every year the 7th grade completes a poetry anthology.  They choose a theme, and reflect on poems and well as write their own poems that reflect the theme.  This year we decided to save paper, and use Google docs to complete the poetry anthologies.  We created a packet on Google docs that the students will be using to guide them in their anthology creation.  When they finish, they will be using a program called magic scroll to publish their anthologies.  We will see how they come out in the upcoming weeks!

Ms. Rice and Mr. LaBrache's Students Use Voicethread to Teach About Emperors: 

Students in Mr. LaBrache's and Ms. Rice's classes worked in partners to research different emperors throughout history.  Some had a positive impact, others had a more negative impact, but all had interesting stories.  Students then came into the lab to use Voicethread to create interesting presentations to teach their emperor to the other students.  Here is an example:

Grade 7 Participates in Harvard Study:

Mr. Souza collaborated with Harvard University to pilot a program in the computer lab.  This program takes advantage of virtual reality to teach students difficult scientific concepts.  First, the students came into the lab to take a pre-assessment.  They worked on the computers to read about information and answer a series of questions.  A week later, they were back in the lab to enter a world of virtual reality, answering questions about equally difficult concepts.  It will be interesting to see the results when they are published!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


WEEKS 25-28

6th Grade Math Students Graph with Excel:

Ms. Mortimer's and Mr. Smalley's classes came into the lab after gathering data on various topics.  After an introductory lesson on Excel, students entered and graphed their data, and then compared the graphs Excel produced to the graphs they drew the day before.

Ms. Richardson's Students Blog About the Declaration of Independence:

Ms. Richardson created a blog for her students that broke up the Declaration of Independence into five sections.  Each day, they discussed each section, first online, then as a class, so that the students were all able to fully participate, and gained a deeper understanding of the document.

Grade 7 Boot Camp:

Both clusters in the 7th grade made it into the lab the day before the ELA long composition to do some last minute study island prep.  Students chose the area in which they felt that they needed to work.  Students left feeling more prepared for the big test!

8th Grade Socials Studies Uses Voicethread to Learn About Famous Inventors:

Ms. Summa's students used Voicethread, an interactive presentation tool, to share the information they research on different inventors.  First they spent several days in the library, compiling their research, and then they created voicethreads for the class, in which they included images, text, drawings, and dialogue.  When they finished, they shared their voicethreads with each other, and were able to give each other positive feedback.  Here is an example:

7th Grade English Uses Glogster to Present About Non-Fiction:

Over the past month, students have been reading science-fiction books and recording their information in packets that Ms. Cortese created.  When they entered the lab, they learned how to use Glogster, and then presented their information in a Glog, using text, images, audio, video, and more.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

February 13th - March 9th

WEEKS 22, 23, 24:

Citywide Grade 6 Assessment to Help Guide the Curriculum:

During week 23, all 6th graders across the city took a technology assessment using a software on  Students were electronically grouped by feeder school, and spent a class period in the lab being tested on their word processing, research, and general internet skills.  This data will be compiled and analyzed at the Ed. Center, and will help to shape both the elementary and middle school curriculums.  I can't wait to discuss the results!

Title I Math Grant to Benefit All Students:
The math department pushed for a Title I grant, and received 3 new ELMO document cameras for the math department.  Teachers can use the cameras to project their own notes, as well as let students project and alter their own work in real time.  The cameras will live in Ms. Mercado, Ms. Lequire, and Ms. Mortimer's rooms, but they will be shared with all Bigelow math teachers.

8th Grade Italien Uses Blabberize to Present Biographies:
The 8th grade Italien class researched inspiring people in the library.  Using Google docs, they wrote and edited scripts for their person's perspective, and used the website "Blabberize" to record and present their scripts.  Her are some examples:

Jen G.:
Liam C.:

7C Use Google Docs to Present Biography Brochures:
Ms. Robles' students researched people who have made a difference in the world for their English class, and then created brochures using their Google docs accounts.  Their brochures not only included facts and timelines, but they also included a poem, brainframe, and bibliography.  Check out some examples:

Anna Z.:

Kayla H.:

Mr. Spiegel's Students Use Google Earth to Explore Latin America:
In Mr. Spiegel's class, students worked in groups of 3 to create tours of different Latin American countries, beginning and ending in Newton.  They used the path and polygon features of Google Earth, as well as inserted videos and images.  We should be seeing some final products in the weeks to come!

Mr. Hayes' Students Use Google Presentations to Collaborate on Volcano Research:
8th grade science students worked in groups of 3 to research various volcanoes in the library.  Each group collaborated on a presentation in Google docs, focusing on one particular volcano, its location, and its characteristics.  Students presented on their volcanoes in class, teaching the other students about their volcanoes.  The presentations helped the students to work together to learn the material.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

January 23th - February 10th

WEEKS 19, 20, 21:

These weeks seemed to be the weeks of powerpoints and oral presentations.  I introduced the new features of Google presentation, and students collaborated to create interactive presentations, complete with buttons, animations and transitions.  Here are some of their lessons:

8th Graders Learn About the Solar System:
Mr. Swift's students spent some time in both the library and the lab researching different parts of the solar system.  Then in partners, they created elaborate Google presentations to teach the rest of the class about their parts of the solar system.  Mr. Swift worked with the students using the writer's workshop method to edit and revise until they created incredibly polished finished products.  Check out some of their presentations:

7th Grade French Study the Regions of the Nation:
Students in Ms. Hanley's French class studied the different regions of France with Ms. Montville in the library, and then came into the lab to use the new version of Google presentations.  They created presentations to aid their oral presentations.  Check out some of their finished products:

7th Grade Spanish Present on Food and Culture:
Students in Ms. Verdaguer's Spanish class are learning about the different foods and courses in a traditional Spanish meal.  Students are researching and presenting their findings using a powerpoint, and will culminate the project with a meal!  Muy bien!!

Click HERE to view a student example.

Ms. Richardson's Students Present Biographies:
Each student used the library to research a person who made an impact on society.  They took their research, and created Google presentations that supported their oral presentations.  The goal was to teach the class about their person and that person's impact on society.  Check out some of their finished products!

Ms. Buttiglieri's Students Take a Tour of the Cell:
Students pretended that they were shrunken to microscopic proportions, and travelled through the cell, visiting each part.  They needed to include visuals and descriptions, and the focus was creativity!  Students created their brochures in their Google docs, and shared them with me to print.  Check out some of the finished products!

7th Grade Math Learns About Graphing Using Green Globs and Geometer's Sketchpad:
Both Mr. Leone's and Ms. Hall's classes used a program called "Green Globs" to learn about the direction of positive and negative graphs.  Then they applied their knowledge using a program called "Geometer's Sketchpad."

The accelerated classes also used Green Globs, but they used the program to graph linear equations.  Both groups had a lot of fun, and felt that they learned a lot!

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 3, 2012 - January 20, 2012

WEEKS 16-18:

Ms. Krauss' Students Demonstrate Knowledge of the Periodic Table with Glogster:
Following several class periods in the library in which students researched their assigned elements, they came into the lab to demonstrate their information.  Students used text, images, drawings, and videos to demonstrate their knowledge of the elements, creating a virtual periodic table for Ms. Krauss' class.  Student presentations are on January 18th!

Open the link below and click on the elements to see the student glogs:

Mr. King's Students Express Themselves Through Choice:
After finishing Beowulf - A New Telling, students used Glogster, Garage Band, and Flip Video Cameras to create final projects that demonstrated their knowledge of character, plot, setting, mood, perspective, and more!  Here is his website, as well as some examples!

Avery's Glog - Character Log
Go to the link and click on each character to go to the character's page.

Max's Glog - Perspective Interview

Lillian's Glog - Hero's Journey
Go to the link and click each step of the hero's journey to go to the page.

Ms. Richardson's Students Encourage Tourism in the 13 Colonies:
After learning about the original 13 colonies in class, students broke up into three groups.  Each group created a script to encourage people to visit / move to their cluster of colonies, and then filmed their scenes using flip video cameras.  The students then uploaded all of their footage into iMovie, edited their movies, and added titles and transitions.