Thursday, February 9, 2012

January 23th - February 10th

WEEKS 19, 20, 21:

These weeks seemed to be the weeks of powerpoints and oral presentations.  I introduced the new features of Google presentation, and students collaborated to create interactive presentations, complete with buttons, animations and transitions.  Here are some of their lessons:

8th Graders Learn About the Solar System:
Mr. Swift's students spent some time in both the library and the lab researching different parts of the solar system.  Then in partners, they created elaborate Google presentations to teach the rest of the class about their parts of the solar system.  Mr. Swift worked with the students using the writer's workshop method to edit and revise until they created incredibly polished finished products.  Check out some of their presentations:

7th Grade French Study the Regions of the Nation:
Students in Ms. Hanley's French class studied the different regions of France with Ms. Montville in the library, and then came into the lab to use the new version of Google presentations.  They created presentations to aid their oral presentations.  Check out some of their finished products:

7th Grade Spanish Present on Food and Culture:
Students in Ms. Verdaguer's Spanish class are learning about the different foods and courses in a traditional Spanish meal.  Students are researching and presenting their findings using a powerpoint, and will culminate the project with a meal!  Muy bien!!

Click HERE to view a student example.

Ms. Richardson's Students Present Biographies:
Each student used the library to research a person who made an impact on society.  They took their research, and created Google presentations that supported their oral presentations.  The goal was to teach the class about their person and that person's impact on society.  Check out some of their finished products!

Ms. Buttiglieri's Students Take a Tour of the Cell:
Students pretended that they were shrunken to microscopic proportions, and travelled through the cell, visiting each part.  They needed to include visuals and descriptions, and the focus was creativity!  Students created their brochures in their Google docs, and shared them with me to print.  Check out some of the finished products!

7th Grade Math Learns About Graphing Using Green Globs and Geometer's Sketchpad:
Both Mr. Leone's and Ms. Hall's classes used a program called "Green Globs" to learn about the direction of positive and negative graphs.  Then they applied their knowledge using a program called "Geometer's Sketchpad."

The accelerated classes also used Green Globs, but they used the program to graph linear equations.  Both groups had a lot of fun, and felt that they learned a lot!

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